Our Services


Masters Healthcare Consulting provides services that guide strategic, financial, organizational, and governance transformation for health systems, community and rural hospitals, and medical groups.

  • Physician Advisory

    Physician-Hospital Alignment

    Strategic Planning

    IPA/Medical Group Formation

    Consolidations, mergers, acquisition

    Physician Engagement Surveys

  • Strategic & Business Planning

    Strategic Planning and Business Plans

    Transaction advisory, process management, mergers and affiliations

    Buy and Sell-side Representation

    Retreat Facilitation and Education

    Service Line Development/Redesign

    Hospital Start-up, Transition, and Closure Support

    Governance Assessment and Performance Improvement Plans

    CEO evaluations

    Physician-Hospital Engagement

  • Population Health Management

    ACOs, Clinically Integrated Networks

    Health Plan Advisory, Development, Performance Improvement

    Economic/funds Flow Models

Consulting Services



We can help hospitals and health systems to determine an optional governance structure by ensuring that roles, responsibilities, and authorities are clear and easily understood.


Board Retreats

We structure and facilitate annual Board Retreats. We plan meetings based on our knowledge and insight into what is happening in the industry in other parts of the country to provide perspective on regional issues and strategies.

Strategic Plans

We help you analyze complex data and put it into simple, actionable plans that get results. We provide a national perspective and expertise to facilitate and challenge conventional thinking and provide proper push-back in order to get to an intended outcome.


Advisory Services

We are dedicated to building exceptionally strong and lasting relationships with our clients. Our array of services allows us to be agile in addressing additional needs as they arise.